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Wednesday, 1 November 2023
17:00 - 19:00

This screening session features 2 short films and 1 feature film (see below). All films are in English and/or have English subtitles. Doors open at 16:45.

Address:  Kinepolis Brugge, Koning Albert l-laan 200, 8200 Bruges

Free tickets: A reservation is not mandatory, but it is available as an option. If you want to guarantee your seats and are confident you will attend, you can secure your ticket(s) here. Additionally, a limited number of tickets will be released at the cinema 10 minutes before each screening, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Free drink after the screening: Thanks to our sponsors we are happy to be able to offer every visitor 1 drink at the cinema's bar (Crea Café) after the screening. Let's talk about film!



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Heat Wave Hallucination (United States) by Jil Guyon

Heat Wave Hallucination is a kaleidoscopic self-portrait that transports the viewer into a psychedelic world of vibrant color and dramatic, hypnotic sound.

Running time: 00:01:29

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Sawtooth Salad (United States) by Evie McKenna

A jagged edge flight into a hydrangea that is at times menacing and soothing. The lines travel though a dense sea of green and pink, where some of the projectiles are soft and pink while others are spikey and so green. It all takes place in plant known for its quiet presence which makes the ride more unexpected and hypnotic.

Running time: 00:00:38


Berlin Bytch Love (Germany) by Heiko Aufdermauer, Johannes Girke

Sophie (15) and Dominik (17) ran away from home to live their love on the streets of Berlin for a summer. Now Sophie is pregnant, winter is coming and the police are looking for the two. 

Running time: 01:26:00

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